Blog Posts for Arts and Military

Thank you to the many people who have been blog contributors to, and readers of ArtsBlog over the years. ArtsBlog has long been a space where we uplifted stories from the field that demonstrated how the arts strengthen our communities socially, educationally, and economically; where trends and issues and controversies were called out; and advocacy tools were provided to help you make the case for more arts funding and favorable arts policies.

As part of Americans for the Arts’ recent Strategic Realignment Process, we were asked to evaluate our storytelling communications platforms and evolve the way we share content. As a result, we launched the Designing Our Destiny portal to explore new ways of telling stories and sharing information, one that is consistent with our longtime practice of, “No numbers without a story, and no stories without a number.”

As we put our energy into developing this platform and reevaluate our communications strategies, we have put ArtsBlog on hold. That is, you can read past blog posts, but we are not posting new ones. You can look to the Designing Our Destiny portal and our news items feed on the Americans for the Arts website for stories you would have seen in ArtsBlog in the past.

ArtsBlog will remain online through this year as we determine the best way to archive this valuable resource and the knowledge you’ve shared here.

As ever, we are grateful for your participation in ArtsBlog and thank you for your work in advancing the arts. It is important, and you are important for doing it.

The Arts: A Promising Solution to Meeting the Challenges of Today’s Military—A Summary Report and Blueprint for Action

Date of Publication (formatted): 
November, 2012

This report, The Arts: A Promising Solution to Meeting the Challenges of Today’s Military—A Summary Report and Blueprint for Action (PDF, 1.27 MB) is intended to open the door for a national conversation and the development of a National Action Plan that will ensure the availability of arts interventions for our service men and women and their families, and integrate the arts as part of the “Standard of Care” in military clinical (VA and military hospitals) as well as programs in community settings across the country.

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Related Diseases in Combat Veterans

Date of Publication (formatted): 
January, 2015

Approximately a quarter of service members deployed to war have PTSD. The psychological injuries of war, PTSD, moral injury, and related conditions, lead to other issues with employment and intimate relationships. There are conventional, evidence-based therapies that are effective—if the service member or veteran is able to tolerate the treatments. However, the clinicians in the military and veteran’s health-care systems are innovative. They have experimented with alternative ways to engage veterans. These include mindfulness, art therapy, stellate ganglion block, training...

How to Start an Arts Program for Military Populations

Date of Publication (formatted): 
January, 2015

This essay by Naj Wikoff from the book Managing Arts Program in Healthcare focuses the need for programs to assist military personnel and their families in healing and how the arts offer effective solutions to help in the process of healing military experiences.

Managing Arts Programs in Healthcare

Date of Publication (formatted): 
October, 2015

A growing body of research demonstrates how the arts – including literary, performing and visual arts as well as architecture and design – can greatly enhance the experience of healthcare, contributing to improved health outcomes, a better patient experience and lower healthcare costs. This unique book provides an overview of what the arts in healthcare can achieve and how to implement the arts in the most effective manner. Exploring possibilities for innovative program design and implementation – from healing gardens through public performances to bedside activities...

USA Today Special Edition Veterans Affairs 2015: Artistic Expressions

Date of Publication (formatted): 
November, 2015

USA TODAY created this free special edition on Veteran Affairs in honor of Veteran's Day in 2015. The articles focused on meeting the needs or our veterans. Among the articles was a feature on how veteran's are using art thearpy as a way to heal from trauma.


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