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<P>The focus of the book is on the process of managing an arts organization through integrating many different disciplines. After covering a brief historical perspective, we will examine all of the functional and operational areas involved in operating an arts organization. Our study will focus on performing arts organizations in theatre, dance, music, and opera, and on museums.</P>
<P>This is an introductory text and is intended for use in an undergraduate course on the arts. I have assumed that the student has had some course work in the arts, even if only at the introductory level. Although every topic may not receive all of the attention it deserves, it is hoped that the reader's interest in a specific topic will lead to an exploration of the other resources suggested at the end of most chapters. I have tried to find case studies that offer thoughtful application of the material in each chapter.</P>
<P>Finally, this text was written with the underlying belief that it is important to develop managers in the arts who have sensitivity, use common sense, and apply skills from such disciplines such as business, finance, economics, and psychology. The central premise of this text is that an arts manager's specific purpose is to help an organization and its artists attain their goals and objectives.</P>
<P>CONTENTS<BR>Preface. <BR>Acknowledgements. </P>
<P>1. Management and the arts: The entertainment business - Growing businesses, An uncertain future; Managers and organizations - The manager, The organization, The process of organizing, Levels of management and types of managers;,Common elements in an organization, An effective model?; The management process - Planning, Organizing, Leading, Controlling, Functional areas; Key terms and concepts; Questions; Analysis focus; References.</P>
<P>2. The evolution of arts organizations and arts management: The artist-manager; The arts as institutions; A historical overview - Ancient times, The Middle Ages, The Renaissance, The seventeenth through nineteenth centuries; The twentieth Century; Profile of the arts manager - Jobs for managers today; The National Endowment for the Arts - Government support, Budget battles and censorship, The NEA and the arts manager; Arts councils; The education revolution - The showdown; Conclusion; Summary; Key terms and concepts; Questions; Case study: Wanted - Art scholar, M.B.A. required; Questions; References; Additional resources.</P>
<P>3. Evolution of management: Management as an art and a science; On-the-job management theory; Evolution of management thought - Pre-industrialization, A change of philosophies, The industrial revolution, Changes in America; Management trends to the present - Scientific management today; Organizational management (1916 to present); Human relations management (1927 to present) - The behavioral approach, The Hawthorne effect, Maslow's hierarchy of needs, McGregor's Theory X and Theory Y; Modern management - Systems and contingency approaches, Rational management; Conclusion; Summary; Key terms and concepts; Questions; References; Additional resources.</P>
<P>4. Arts organizations and multiple environments: Changing environments; Managing change; Growing into change; Where to start?; Environments - Economic, Political and legal, Cultural and social, Demographic, Technological, Educational; Information sources - Audiences; Other arts groups, Board and staff members, The media, Professional meetings and associations, Consultants, Other sources; The impact of future trends on the arts: Censorship, The AIDS epidemic, Economic pressure; Summary; Key terms and concepts; Questions; Case study: The future looks grim for a theatre in Los Angeles; Questions; References.</P>
<P>5. Strategic planning and decision making: Planning basics - Planning, goals, and objectives defined, Types of plans; The planning process - Five steps in formal planning, Other planning approaches; Strategic planning - The mission statement, Mission analysis, Formulating an organization's strategy, Limits of planning; Relationship of planning to the arts - The necessity of planning, The organization's map and leadership; Decision making - Choices, decisions, and problem solving, Steps in problem solving, Problem solving techniques, Decision theory; Conclusion; Summary; Key terms and concept; Questions; Case study: Karamu Renaissance; Questions; References; Additional resources.</P>
<P>6. Fundamentals of organizing and organizational design: The management function of organizing - Four benefits of organizing, Organizational design approaches, Mechanistic and organic organizational design, Bureaucracy, Organizational structure, Organizational charts and formal structure, Informal structure; Structure from an arts manager's perspective - General considerations, Departmentalization, Coordination, Vertical coordination, Horizontal coordination, Organizational growth; Corporate culture and the arts - Theory versus reality in organizations, Application in the arts, Five elements of corporate culture, Corporate cultures and the real world; Summary; Key terms and concepts; Questions; Case study: An arts institution management overhaul; Questions; References.</P>
<P>7. Staffing and the organization: The staffing process - Planning, Job description, The overall matrix of jobs, Constraints on staffing, Recruitment, Selection process, Training and development, Replacement and firing; Unions and the arts, Definition and purpose, Disputes; Maintaining and developing the staff - Career management, The right staff; Summary; Key terms and concepts; Questions; Case study: Should equal opportunity apply on the stage?; Questions; References; Additional resources.</P>
<P>8. Fundamentals of leadership and group dynamics: Leadership fundamentals - Formal and informal leadership modes, Theory X and Theory Y approaches to people; Power ... a leadership resource - Sources of power, Limits of power, Guidelines for using power, Approaches to the study of leadership, Trait approaches to leadership, Behavioral approaches to leadership, Contingency approaches to leadership; Applications to the arts - Future leadership; Motivation and the arts work setting; Theories and motivation - Content theories, Process theories, Theory integration; Group dynamics - General management terms, Strategies for making groups more effective, Distributed leadership; Communication basics and effective leadership - The communication process, Perception, Formal and informal communication; Conclusion; Summary; Key terms and concepts; Questions; References; Additional resources; Additional titles.</P>
<P>9. Control - Management information systems and budgeting: Control as a management function - Elements of the control process, Management by exception, Management by objectives, Performance appraisal systems, Summary of control systems; Management information systems - Data and information, Management information systems in the arts, Computers and the management information system, An effective management information system, Common mistakes, Management information system summary, The future; Budgets and the control system - Budgetary centers, Budgets as preliminary controls, Types of budgets, The budgetary process, Budget reality, Budget controls; Summary; Key terms and concepts; Questions; Case study: Radio station officials get free cruises; Questions; References.</P>
<P>10. Economics and the arts: Introduction to economics - The economic problem, Three problems for an economy; Macroeconomics - The role of government; Microeconomics - Law of demand, Demand determinants, Market demand and the arts, Law of supply, Supply determinants, Market equilibrium ... supply and demand curves; General applications of economic theories - Economic impact, Organizational impact; The economic problems facing the arts - The cultural boom, The arts audience, The productivity issue, Productivity, Other findings; Conclusion; Summary; Key terms and concepts; Questions; Case study: Broadway adopts plan to cut costs and ticket prices; Questions; References; Additional resources.</P>
<P>11. Financial management: Overview of financial management - For-profit organizations, Nonprofit financial management; Financial management information system; Legal status and financial statements - Incorporation, Tax exemption; Budgeting and financial planning - The budget, From the budget to cash flow; Developing a financial management information system - Accounting, Financial statements, Investment; Conclusion - Managing finances and the economic dilemma, Looking ahead; Summary; Key terms and concepts; Questions; Case study: Dance company financial report; Questions; References.</P>
<P>12. Marketing and the arts: An event in search of an audience; A means to an end; Marketing principles and terms - Needs and wants, Exchange process and utilities; Evolution of modern marketing - Modern marketing, Marketing and entertainment; A marketing approach - Product orientation, Sales orientation, Customer orientation; Marketing management - The four p's, Market segments, Market research, Marketing ethics; Strategic marketing plans - Planning process, Marketing audit, Consultants, Strategies, The competitive marketplace and core strategies, Project planning and implementation, Evaluation, Marketing data system; Conclusion; Summary; Key terms and concepts; Questions; For further discussion; Case study: Outreach gimmicks furrow a skeptical highbrow; Questions; References; Additional resources.</P>
<P>13. Fund raising [fundraising]: Fund raising and the arts; Fund raising plans; Preparing fund raising plans - Strategic planning, Funding pyramid, Fund raising audit, Marketing and fund raising; Fund raising management; Background work - What does the organization do?, Staff and board participation, Data management, Fund raising costs and control; Fund raising techniques and tools - Individual donors, Corporate giving, Foundations, Government funding; Conclusion; Summary; Key terms and concepts; Questions; Case study: Studio arena to seek funding sources; Questions; References; Additional resources.</P>
<P>14. Integrating management styles and theories: Management styles - The irrational arts manager ... a model in overextension, The rational manager ... changing the culture, The institutional manager, The organic manager; Management theories - Scientific management, Human relations, The open system, The contingency system ... an integrating approach; The management functions - Planning and development, Marketing and public relations, Personnel management ... staff, labor, and board relations, Fiscal management, Government relations; Conclusion; Questions; Case study: Spoleto feud ends - Menotti wins; Questions; References.</P>
<P>15. Final thoughts: Current trends and future directions - An uncertain future, Modest to no growth, Arts facilities and social engineering; Conclusion - The partnership - Artist and manager; Questions. Index. [Bibliography in the form of chapter references].</P>

The focus of the book is on the process of managing an arts organization through integrating many different disciplines. After covering a brief historical perspective, we will examine all of the functional and operational areas involved in operating an arts organization. Our study will focus on performing arts organizations in theatre, dance, music, and opera, and on museums.

Brynes, William J.
0-240-80131-8 (pbk)
311 p.
December, 1992
Publisher Reference: 
Butterworth Publishers
Old URL:
Research Abstract
Is this an Americans for the Arts Publications: 