Nicole Faller

Why Creativity Matters Most for Entrepreneurs (from the pARTnership Movement)

Posted by Nicole Faller, Feb 23, 2014 1 comment

Nicole Faller

Nicole Faller Nicole Faller

The following is an excerpt of an article originally posted on Business News Daily, written by staff writer Nicole Fallon, in which she cites a list how creativity is a truly essential business skill, particularly for entrepreneurs. Visit to read the full article.

What is the most important quality of an entrepreneur? Many would argue it is passion—an overwhelming love of what one is doing, and the drive and determination to see one's dreams realized. Others might say leadership—the ability to bring a team of people together and guide them toward a common goal. But some believe that creativity—a boundless imagination that is constantly innovating and seeing the world through a different lens—is the ultimate key to business success.

Phoebe Cade Miles, daughter of Gatorade inventor Dr. James Robert Cade, is one such believer in the power of creativity. She watched her father work tirelessly to invent a product that, five decades after its introduction, is still used by athletes around the world. Today, Cade Miles is working on her own entrepreneurial project, The Cade Museum for Creativity and Invention. The museum, scheduled to open in 2015 to commemorate Gatorade's 50th anniversary, explores the history of the famous athletic drink, and highlights the crucial role creativity played in its invention.

"The invention of Gatorade is a perfect example of a creative collision," Cade Miles told BusinessNewsDaily. "It took experts from two seemingly unrelated subjects, nephrology and football, to bring about the completely new category of sports beverages."

Cade Miles shared her thoughts on why creativity is such a powerful entrepreneurial force, and how it can best be harnessed in a startup setting.

Continue to the full article on Business News Daily.

(This article is one in a weekly series highlighting the pARTnership Movement, Americans for the Arts’ campaign to reach business leaders with the message that partnering with the arts can build their competitive advantage. Visit our website to find out how both businesses and local arts agencies can get involved!)

1 responses for Why Creativity Matters Most for Entrepreneurs (from the pARTnership Movement)


February 24, 2014 at 3:39 pm

We look for new artist all the time for our new website!

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