Americans for the Arts

What are you excited about seeing and doing at convention?

Posted by Americans for the Arts, May 25, 2007 1 comment

Americans for the Arts

I recently asked members of the Emerging Leader and Student listservs which convention sessions, speakers, and events they were most excited about. Below are their responses.  Does their list match yours? Add a comment now!
NOTE: Registration for convention has closed, but we will be accepting on-site registrations in Vegas.
I'm looking forward to hearing the Cirque du Soleil's Creative Director speak.  I'm excited about the civic engagement and leadership sessions.  Since I registered so late, I did not have an opportunity to schedule myself for a tour.  Those sound awesome!!
-Janine Flores

I am interested in the following sessions...Especially the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" session on enterprise/earned income at arts nonprofits since currently I am writing my thesis on that topic!
Documentary - Class Act
Urban Arts: How Large Cities Get Creative
Innovative Models: Teaching Artists and Shared Values: An Approach to Building a Community of Arts Educators
Don't Ask, Don't Tell: Making Money Inside Nonprofits
Emerging Vision-An Intergenerational Exploration of Our Collective Future
Innovative Models: Changing New Orleans Communities through Arts Integration
~Marisa Catalina Casey (Marisa is one of five recipients of the Underserved Communities full convention scholarship)

Sir Ken Robinson--a great guru of arts and creativity in education, and a very engaging speaker!
~Anne Katz (Anne will be blogging the Public Advocacy Track at convention).

I'm most excited about the following sessions:
The Performing Arts Center of 2032
Out of the Box: Coaching Leaders toward Balance, Fulfillment and Success
Maps to the Future: Mentoring in the Arts
Emerging Vision
Arts Giving from Small Businesses
Trends in Foundation Giving
Trends in Corporate Giving
Advocacy in Action
I'm also excited to meet people and network.
~Brenda Lee Johnston, South Milwaukee Performing Arts Center

I am excited about many things.  I love the opportunity to connect with my colleagues, the emerging leaders in particular, and can't wait for all the great leadership sessions, peer group meetings and the EL reception to meet up with the EL folks.  I am also tremendously excited about the great guest artists, but Jenny Holzer in particular.  I'm a huge fan of her work; in fact, back in my art history undergraduate days, I wrote about her in my culminating thesis.  And now I get to see her work first hand.  I know what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, but I think we're all going to come away with some great experiences and knowledge to bring back.
~Robin Iten Porter

After several hours of going through all the sessions, this is what I have come up with. Ugh, It's so hard having to decide between so many good options! It's like choosing between Double-Mint Chocolate or Rocky Road!
~Nicolle Gordillo (Nicole is a Summer Scholar at Americans for the Arts).

WARNING - shameless plug follows!
Mitch Menchaca and I are leading a convention session with Bill Moskin and Nancy Glaze on the last afternoon of the convention. Don't leave the early, because you'll miss out on the most lively discussion of the weekend!
The title of the session is Emerging Vision: An Intergenerational Exploration of our Collective Future.  We are going to bring many of our list serv conversations into one space to see what it means to our future when you link it all together.  Generational change, not-for-profit model, changing demographics, technology, professional development, attracting and retaining leaders and more, will provide greater insights, spark a dialogue, and hopefully lead us to develop some suggested strategies to move forward.  Bill and Nancy have actually just finished a related Monograph that you can purchase at the convention as soon as you check in. It's a great read that helps provide further context for the session.  We hope to see you there!
~Jennifer Armstrong

Putting Cultural Assets to Work
Fostering Cultural Citizenship -- How Can snd Should We Support the "Informal" Arts?
Arts and Econ Impact III
Econ Revitalization in the Northeast
Emerging Arts Leaders morning meeting
Future of Private Sector giving to the Arts
Artist Fellowships: Values and Vision
How to work effectively with your Local Government
Nontraditional sources of Federal Arts Funding
New Executive Directors
Making Money inside Nonprofit Organizations
~Nat May (Nat is one of five recipients of the Emerging Leader full convention scholarship)

I'm really excited about attending Dave Hickey and Rha Goddess's sessions. Also excited about the Emerging Leaders Recption since this is my first convention and I'm looking forward to meeting some other individuals on the listserv.
~Jessica Thompson

1 responses for What are you excited about seeing and doing at convention?


May 25, 2007 at 8:10 pm

I'm really excited about Innovative Models: "Jazzing Up the Curriculum" and "A New Market: Strategies for Arts Infusion in the Afterschool Hours". The Lost Chord is developing a new jazz/folk/rock/blues program at a local community center in time for the new school year!"Trends in the Field: I Teach What I Do, I Do What I Teach: Teaching Artists in Schools" will be excellent becasue I am a singer/songwriter and want to get more involved in teaching at publc schools as well.

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