Americans for the Arts

Stuck in the Elevator with You at NAMP

Posted by Americans for the Arts, Nov 06, 2007 4 comments

Americans for the Arts

Well, a dozen of us gave new meaning to term "ArtVenture" at an Americans for the Arts conference. A group of emerging leaders headed out for our dine-around only to get struck in Miami's MetroMover elevator for 25-minutes. Of course, we began by denying our situation. Let's press more buttons! Something will kick this box into gear! The only thing that rose was the temperature and, in some instances, panic levels. But, magic also appeared. We made the most of the situation. Here are the top ten reasons to get stuck in an elevator with emerging arts leaders.

  1. It's a great icebreaker before your dine-around.
  2. Being surrounded by creative people in tight spaces can be a whole lot of fun.
  3. Talk about a bonding moment!
  4. Emerging leaders can turn crisis moments into laugher moments in a snap.
  5. You can ask your boss for a raise and post it online (ahem, Marialaura Leslie).
  6. Stepping through elevator doors pried open emergency personnel gives a whole new meaning of emerging to an emerging leader.
  7. You know there's going to be an ice cold mojito at the other end.
  8. You discover things you never knew about your peers, like how one prides herself on being agile enough to climb through the elevator access panel in the ceiling and another one prides herself on being the rock at the base of the human pyramid.
  9. You can practice your elevator speech.
  10. Don't believe us? Watch our video.
4 responses for Stuck in the Elevator with You at NAMP


Mr. Benjamin E. Fyffe says
November 08, 2007 at 4:07 pm

Marialuara deserves a juicy raise...I can't believe no one was hyperventilating!

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Katie Wanschura says
November 08, 2007 at 11:05 am

I had such a wonderful time with y'all - even stuck in an elevator! It definitely puts a whole new perspective on any other icebreaker I've ever participated in...

Thank you guys for being the highlight of my conference. :-)

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November 06, 2007 at 10:56 pm

We had the liveliest, most interactive session at the conference! Can you believe we didn't pay extra?

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Marialaura Leslie says
November 06, 2007 at 9:53 pm

I just want to add that the video shows Katherine Mooring (ASC, Charlotte, NC) on the phone asking her husband for the Colts-Patriots score. Before she hung up she told her husband: "Oh yeah, and we're all stuck in an you later babe!"

P.S. Special thanks to Miami-Dade Fire Rescue for getting us out of there!

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