1 responses for Should philanthrpy be more like Business?


January 02, 2009 at 4:53 pm

Interesting read, John. Thanks for sharing.

I don't interpret this to mean that for-profits should take the place of not-for-profits in saving the world. Rather, perhaps there's some lessons and values from the for-profit world that we should learn, like trying to measure "social return on investment."

Of course, it's equally persuasive to argue that business has a thing or two (or 100) to learn from us nonprofit folks.

Ultimately, the very nature of business (profit for the shareholders is the bottom line) precludes for-profits from doing what we nonprofits do best: putting people first. That said, as we try to create social profit, there's something to be learned from those that have created and innovated their ways to incredible monetary profits.

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