Richard Huff

Short and Sweet: the Truth about Money and the Arts

Posted by Richard Huff, Jun 05, 2015 2 comments

Richard Huff

There is never money and there's always money. I have never met a mayor, a city manager, or a school superintendent who ever had any money, but I have never seen one who quit spending it. A lack of money is not the key problem. In my opinion, creativity is the problem. Money follows ideas. Arts administrators need to be as creative as we expect our artists to be.  

2 responses for Short and Sweet: the Truth about Money and the Arts


June 09, 2015 at 4:24 pm

Brilliant, Mr. Huff!

Thank you!

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June 05, 2015 at 1:54 pm

I agree, short, sweet, and to the point. I often attend meeting where people are discussing the lack of money and when I ask what do they want they want the money for they say something broad like art. They have not defined it or created a outline of a program.

Money doesn't fall out of the trees for no reason. If you design something that is uplifting and inspires a person. They will do two things, They will ask how can I help? or Where do I write a check?

If you are lacking money ask yourself where else are you lacking.

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