Stephanie Hanson

November Creative Conversations

Posted by Stephanie Hanson, Nov 02, 2010 1 comment

Stephanie Hanson

Stephanie Evans

October and National Arts & Humanities Month has officially come to a close, but there are a few Creative Conversations that we are celebrating in November.  If you live in South Florida, you’re in luck, because there are three.

      To read or hear about other Creative Conversations that have taken place recently, check out the following links:

      • The Emerging Leaders of New York Arts (ELNYA) uploaded a podcast of their recent Creative Conversation, Defining Impact:  Building the Case for Arts Support, from October 5.  To read speaker bios and listen to the podcast from this event, click here.
      • Also, here’s a news article from a Creative Conversation in Reston, VA.

      Thank you to everyone who hosted and participated in a Creative Conversation this year!  We hope these events were successful for your organizations and communities.

      1 responses for November Creative Conversations


      Steve says
      November 07, 2010 at 11:38 am

      This is a promising tool for many types of organizations to emerge as leaders in their communities. Why not make "conversations" a permanent offering? The attachment to a national organization adds panache to any event.

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