Dr. Jay Seller, Ph.D.

No Art is an Island

Posted by Dr. Jay Seller, Ph.D., Mar 25, 2016 1 comment

Dr. Jay Seller, Ph.D.

John Donne coined the phrase "no man is an island," emphasizing no one is self-sufficient—each of us relies on one another. As arts agencies, arts educators, and arts advocates gathered in the nation’s Capital a few weeks ago for the Arts in Education Symposium: States of Change 2016, the strength and realization of our inter connectivity couldn't have been more evident. Confronting the new landscape of the Every Student Succeeds Act, will require impactful collaborations at the state level, and deep conversations among advocates for the Arts.

Each of us must claim a chair at the table within our states. As the action plans for implementation are being hammered out, everyone needs to speak up for arts priorities. Providing critical advice during this first phase at the state level, Ayanna Hudson, Arts Education Director for the NEA, emphasized that “ESSA provides a new wealth of opportunity for arts education." Dr. Monique Chism, explained the most drastic shift is that levels of significance must "bubble up from the states." As a result, the real goal here is how do we work together across agencies, and assist policy makers to make effective practice in Arts Education.

Repeated throughout the day–and probably not enough—is what is truly at stake, equity and access to a well-rounded education, including arts education. “This is the civil rights movement of our day," stated by Dr. Monique Chism.

For my non-profit, Think 360 Arts for Learning [link http://think360arts.org/], the time is now to continue our involvement in Colorado, and making sure that the well-rounded education is inclusive, comprehensive, and creative. It is art that is the most powerful, permanent, and eloquent means that man has come up with to express that which is inexpressible, that which is beyond our everyday experience, and that which we most cherish. “We all go to great lengths to save and protect our art, but we must also invest in the creation of art and in arts education, which can provide opportunities for all people to have potentially transformative experiences in their encounters with art,” confirmed Colorado theatre educator, Jeremy Goldson.

The Arts leading the way for student success in Colorado, and across the Nation.

1 responses for No Art is an Island


March 29, 2016 at 1:41 pm

Thank you for this, Jay.  I couldn't agree more with your emphasis on arts education advocacy as an issue of disparaties.  Dr. Chism's quote reminded me of what Arne Duncan said in his April 2012 speech-- almost four years ago to the day-- (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XTTeVGA_RRA): that eliminating inequities in access to high-quality arts education is the "moral choice" to make.  Perhaps we need to do more to emphasize the social justice aspect of ensuring arts education for our students.

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