Stephanie Hanson

Host a Creative Conversation in Your Community

Posted by Stephanie Hanson, Aug 28, 2009 1 comment

Stephanie Hanson

It’s that time of year again!  Creative Conversations and National Arts and Humanities Month are right around the corner.  Every October, in honor of National Arts & Humanities Month, Americans for the Arts partners with emerging leaders from across the country to host Creative Conversations—local gatherings and discussions that focus on pertinent topics from arts leadership to arts advocacy.  Last year, more than 1,500 emerging arts leaders participated in 43 locally hosted Creative Conversations throughout the country, and those leaders continue to be engaged at the national level.  In celebration of 2009 being the 5th Anniversary of Creative Conversations, the 10th Anniversary of the Emerging Leader Network and the 50th Anniversary of Americans for the Arts, our goal is to support communities in hosting at least 50 Creative Conversations this year.

Is someone in your community planning to host a Creative Conversation?  Are you considering it?  If so, there are a few easy steps to follow:

  • If you are new to hosting a Creative Conversation, visit our Local Host Toolkit page for marketing resources, tips, and logistics support.
  • If you are ready to register your event now, fill in your event details at the Emerging Leaders Creative Conversation Registration page and submit it online.
  • Once you register your event, you will receive a confirmation email with next steps.
  • Within 5 business days, your event will appear on the Creative Conversations Google Map, and connect participants in your community to a registration page.

Creative Conversations are a great way to engage your community and connect to other communities on a national level.  Many Local Emerging Leader networks start out with a Creative Conversation as their first event.  (Click Here for more tips on Starting an Emerging Leader Network)

So don’t be left out of the Conversation!  Get going and host one or more event in your community and create local action.

Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions about hosting a Creative Conversation, or need support in setting one up.

1 responses for Host a Creative Conversation in Your Community


September 06, 2009 at 10:55 pm

This looks interesting. I'd like to learn from this so I can be a good conversationalist on events.

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