June Rogers

From Art Auctions to Art Lotteries: A Better Way to Fundraise?

Posted by June Rogers, Jul 29, 2011 2 comments

June Rogers

June Rogers

Reading the blog entry by Stephanie Evans Hanson that focused on the beginnings of new methods through close observance of our conversations reminded me that changes employed by Fairbanks Arts Association (FAA) on the issue of art-for-sale at fundraisers started with conversations.

One of my previous posts told of FAA’s new direction for art auctions and our concern about the value of an artist’s work in local galleries and the success that was realized with the new direction. However, we’ve gone a step further and paid heed to suggestions from two of our members, each bringing the same suggestion from two different cities – an art sale by lottery.

One person had attended an event in Denver and the other had attended a similar event in San Francisco. The event is simple and focused – art is for sale. The innovation that puts a spin on the event is offering the work for sale through lottery. (In Alaska we need a gaming permit from the state to conduct this event so check on your state requirements before embarking on this idea.)

Entry tickets to the event include food and entertainment in addition to three tickets for the lottery portion of the event. All works of art donated for the event are offered for sale at an  appraised value, which is entered on a label that accompanies the artwork and a program of art-for-sale that is provided for those who attend.

A small container (white gift box) with a lid is placed by each art piece. If someone desires a chance to purchase the work, they deposit one or more of their tickets in the box next to their choice of art. For those who want to have more than three chances to purchase, extra tickets are available for sale at the event. Extra tickets are sold at $2 each or three for $5 – there is no limit to the purchase of extra tickets. However, trying to “buy” an artwork by having the most tickets in the box doesn’t always win out, since it only takes one ticket to win.

Take care to explicitly inform your guests that placing a ticket in the box is a “promise to purchase” at the appraised price of the piece. This can be done in advance through the invitation, with signs next to the artwork, in the program, and through a general announcement at the beginning of the event.

FAA’s event is held in our gallery, which is a great space with a pleasant ambiance that requires no decorating. Delicious hors d’oeuvres and delightful entertainment provide a great evening of merriment, whether a person is inclined to make a try at purchasing the art or not. There’s no interrupt, with a loud call-out of silent auction tables closing or a long and loud session of an outcry auction. At evening’s end tickets are drawn and the art is purchased. A good time is had by all. It’s simple, it’s fun, it makes money and the value of the artist’s work is protected.

As a footnote to this entry, I should point out that the artwork for this event is not solicited from artists. Fairbanks Arts Association members who are downsizing, moving, or for other reasons wish to contribute artwork have brought many fine works to us. With our art sale lottery, these donors are assured that their contribution assisted FAA in raising significant funds. 

2 responses for From Art Auctions to Art Lotteries: A Better Way to Fundraise?


June Rogers says
August 05, 2011 at 10:05 pm


Thank you for your repsonse. I know what you mean about the sad feeling of almost giving the art away.

We are pretty comfortable with our prices... a noted and well respected art appraiser from our community donates her time to appraise the work for us. Her reputation is such that she gives great care to the assessment that is going to bear her name, so our prices are pretty much on target.

As for how many tickets are in each box, we find that most folks put in a reasonable amount of tickets to give themselves a good number of chances, but no one really stuffs the box - even though it is possible.

These events are small, with only serious buyers attending. Getting the word out in advance, of the artwork that is being offered, attracts those who already have a desire for certain artists. A few "lookers" attend, but mostly we have serious buyers.

Thanks again for your comment.


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July 29, 2011 at 3:32 pm

This is SO intriguing! We had an issue at our auction this year where some of the prices were just so far below what we thought they would be at auction, and we were almost upset to have to part with the pieces. I think one of our fears would be setting a price TOO low...any thoughts on that? Have you had a piece that had a lot of tickets placed in the box, where maybe you thought you could have priced it higher?

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