Mr. Christopher Hubbard

Florida Public Art: Leading the Way in Organizational Unity Since 1998

Posted by Mr. Christopher Hubbard, Apr 12, 2011 2 comments

Mr. Christopher Hubbard

Christopher Hubbard

When things get tough sometimes the best thing to have is a friend in the business.

With budget cuts, dwindling staff, and a slow-down in municipal and private construction, it’s comforting to know that other programs are going through the same stress and surviving; sometimes even thriving!

It’s these relationships that keep us up to speed on what’s happening in the world of public art, and often how to make the most of the obstacles and opportunities that find us on a daily basis.

That’s exactly what Florida’s public art programs are doing, and they have been reaping the benefits of such since 1998 with the founding of FAPAP, the Florida Association of Public Art Professionals.  FAPAP is the brainchild of a number of Florida’s forward-thinking public art administrators, including Vincent Ahern, Barbara Hill, and Jan Stein.

Working off the model of the Public Art Coalition of Southern California, their idea was to create a unified group of public art programs for the state of Florida; a forum to discuss issues related to the field.  

After conferencing the idea with other arts administrators from around the state, the organization was officially established on March 27, 1998, and became the first state-wide organization of its kind. FAPAP has since matured to an active roster of over 75 artists and arts administrators.

The membership of FAPAP work to provide educational, informational, and networking opportunities for individuals, institutions, governments, and businesses involved in all aspects of public art. In doing so, the group encourages awareness of the social and economic benefits of public art programs.

Each year, the organization’s membership gathers in a different Florida city to reflect on best practices, successes, and the challenges that public art programs face in today’s economic climate.

The program regularly consists of artist lectures, public art tours, and sessions where members can reconnect, celebrate successes, and share tips of the trade.

Each conference also features a Year-in-Review which showcases the best projects Florida’s public art program has to offer.

In recent years, the conference has expanded to welcome guest speakers and experts in the field to present topics ranging from public art and the environment, to the inner-workings of an international arts advocacy publication. This year’s guests include prominent artists Barbara Grygutis and Michael Singer, and our own Liesel Fenner, Public Art Program Manager for Americans for the Arts.

As the Vice President of FAPAP, I invite you to speak with our members, attend our annual conference, or explore our website and learn how a unified state public art association can help your program.

For more information on the Florida Association of Public Art Professionals, its annual conference, the program for the 2011 gathering in Palm Beach County, or how to join, please visit

2 responses for Florida Public Art: Leading the Way in Organizational Unity Since 1998


Mr. Terry Olson says
April 13, 2011 at 1:45 pm

Like most places we've got a lot of work to do in Florida to make it the wonderful place we can imagine, but I am proud to be here and to be able to see all that is being done cooperatively and inovatively in the field of public art!

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Paul says
June 19, 2011 at 3:46 pm

Art is not a trivial thing you can just throw away when times get tough. Good for FAPAP !

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