Sam Horn

Does Your Idea Pass The Eyebrow Test?

Posted by Sam Horn, Oct 07, 2011 1 comment

Sam Horn

Andy Rooney

Remember, you’re a lot more interested in what you have to say than anyone else is.” - Andy Rooney

Are you going into a meeting today to introduce an idea, request funding, or propose a program?

Did you know its success depends on whether you get people’s eyebrows up in the first 60 seconds?

People at many meetings are either jockeying to get THEIR idea heard – or they’re bored, distracted or just waiting for the meeting to be over so they can go back to work on the UPO’s (Unidentified Piled Objects) stacking up on their desk.

The good news is, you can test in advance whether your idea is going to get any traction.

Just ask a colleague for 60 seconds of their time.

Explain your idea/proposal/request to them...using the exact same 60 second opening you’ll use in the meeting.

Now, watch their eyebrows.

If their eyebrows are knit or furrowed, they’re puzzled. They didn’t get it.

And if they didn’t get it, you won’t get it.

Because confused people don’t ask for clarification and they don’t say yes.

You want their eyebrows to go UP. That means they’re intrigued. They want to know more.

That means you just got your idea or request in their mental door.

If what you’re pitching gets their eyebrows up, good for you. That means, “Game’s on.”

If it doesn’t, back to the drawing board.

1 responses for Does Your Idea Pass The Eyebrow Test?


Karin says
November 15, 2011 at 9:40 pm

Thank you for your thought provoking keynote today! You've reminded the National Storytelling Network to tell our best stories about the impact to 'one' when seeking funding, new members, etc.

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