Mr. Graham Dunstan

ArtCast: Arts and Innovation in the Business World

Posted by Mr. Graham Dunstan, Apr 28, 2009 1 comment

Mr. Graham Dunstan

Bob Lynch, President and CEO of Americans for the Arts, discusses the  Forum for New Ideas which will take place on May 5th in New York City. The Forum is organized by the Business Committee for the Arts and is designed to bring about ideas that transcend traditional boundaries when thinking about the connection between business and the arts. This Forum will address core issues that businesses are facing today and how the arts can act as a channel of improvement for these areas by increasing employee morale and engagement. Speakers include Randy Cohen, Vice President of Local Arts Advancement, Americans for the Arts; Jonathan Spector, CEO, Conference Board; and Krista Pilot, Senior Vice President, Dan Klores Communications.

Register for the Forum.

1 responses for ArtCast: Arts and Innovation in the Business World


Carol Van Bruggen says
May 01, 2009 at 1:43 pm

I am very excited about creating a Business Committee for the Arts here in Sacramento and hope to get information on how to do that.

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