Theresa Cameron

Are You Prepared?

Posted by Theresa Cameron, May 03, 2011 3 comments

Theresa Cameron

Theresa Cameron

It sure has been a wacky spring for weather across the country.

Several of our local arts agencies have been affected by the tornadoes and floods of the past week. They have been assessing the damage and helping out their communities in any way they can.

Buddy Palmer of the Cultural Alliance of Greater Birmingham (AL) reports that they are working to help find artists that may have been displaced but that a weekend arts festival would go on as planned.

Sandra Wolfe, the executive director of the Arts and Humanities Council of Tuscaloosa is happy that none of the arts facilities in the downtown were damaged and she and her staff are okay, but everyone is very shaken. 

These events over the past week got me thinking about how prepared we are for emergencies and then I received an e-mail about MayDay.

MayDay was organized by the National Institute for Preservation as a way to bring focus to emergency preparedness for archives, museums, libraries, and art and historic preservation organizations.

Each year, participants set aside May 1 to plan for the unthinkable - a disaster.

Suggested tasks include: updating a disaster plan, meeting with local emergency responders to discuss venue layouts, holding evacuation drills, etc.

Great idea right?

Although May 1 just passed, it might be time to start thinking about this type of planning and be ready next May (or even June 1 of this year) with a plan of your own.

Do you have an emergency plan in place? How often do you update it?

3 responses for Are You Prepared?


Todd Lowe says
May 04, 2011 at 4:34 pm

Mollie and Sallye,
Thanks for the above posts.
I'll be at the TCG meeting in LA in June if anyone would like to talk more about ArtsReady there, as well.

(South Arts Board Chair)

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May 04, 2011 at 11:59 am

Theresa, thanks for bringing up this issue.

Most of us don't have experience putting together an emergency plan so it's hard to get started. Sallye mentioned, where you can see some fairly easy tips, the Mississippi Arts Commission plan, and "12 Readiness Must Haves."

I'll be at the AFTA Conference with lots of ArtsReady information and a demo of the new ArtsReady readiness planning service, so please find me there and we can help you get started!

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May 04, 2011 at 11:23 am

The Mississippi Arts Commission (MAC) has worked diligently since Hurricane Katrina (2005) in the arena of emergency preparedness and business continuity. We are in constant collaboration with South Arts and their ArtsReady online service and with CERF+ and the National Preparedness Coalition. The MAC has an emergency preparedness plan on our website with consistent updates, and letters of awareness as well as presentations at convenings and conferences are regular orders of the day. There is a vitally alive preparedness community in place that works on readiness and recovery plans daily. For more information, visit or the CERF+ website, and get prepared. Emergencies and disasters have many different faces.

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