Mr. Gary P. Steuer

Some Quick Post-Convention Private-Sector Thoughts

Posted by Mr. Gary P. Steuer, Jun 13, 2007 0 comments

Mr. Gary P. Steuer

So the convention has now faded a bit into the past, and visions of pink flamingos (and slot machines) have stopped haunting my dreams. Now I can try to put the frenzy of activity in Las Vegas into some perspective. All in all, I thought the convention was a great success. I was especially pleased with how the new track structure worked.  For the first couple of conventions after the Arts & Business Council merger, I was not sure we had really delivered on the promise of the convention adequately representing the addition of a Private-Sector focus. I really feel this convention began to get where we want to be in this area. Sessions on voluntarism, the National Arts Policy Roundtable, corporate arts support and young philanthropists, just to name a few, were reasonably to very well-attended, and the participants seemed to cover the spectrum of Americans for the Arts constituencies.  The MetLife National Arts Forum, which featured SirKen Robinson, and was a collaboration with the arts education track, seemed to be a smashing success, had a packed house, and also incorporated a lively panel conversation and an interactive working session facilitiated by Eric Booth. Mark Brewer, the Private-Sector Innovator, also delivered a great talk, briskly and entertainingly presented, with refreshingly light and effective use of the dreaded PowerPoint. Of course, he was essentially telling us our model of fundraising is dead in the water, so it was a good thing the news was delivered in a manner that allowed for no slumber. So, let's make the 2008 Annual Convention even better than 2007 - please contribute session and speaker ideas!  (One more comment - thanks to the Private-Sector Staff, especially Julie Peeler, Jay House and Valerie Beaman, for a job well done.)

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