John Arroyo

Ra Ra Ra...Rha Goddess!

Posted by John Arroyo, Jun 03, 2007 0 comments

John Arroyo

With a title theme like RISK AND REWARD, I can tell that the convention has really challenged administrators to move out of their comfort levels and challenge the "norm."  Rha Goddess' inspirational speech on identifying and sustaining emerging leadership was no exception.   I've been pretty faithful to the Leadership Track but in  my interest in attending some other non-Leadership sessions on the program schedule, I almost missed Rha Goddess.  I'm so glad I didn't. Her ideas really resonated with my post on cultural leadership.  She stated that "If your art is not your center, leadership IS NOT happening" and challenged us to handle ourselves and "hold space."

I began to think of this idea and wondered if whether or not we are overdoing it in the leadership field.  There are so many institutes and workshops at all levels, but if we truly believe that leaders are self-identified and not tied to a title, when is it over stimulation?  When do you just get time to reflect and think about all the goals you've set and your own blueprint - time to think about your plan or perhaps let your natural instincts guide you in the right direction?  To counter this, I'm sure many would think we don't have enough leadership training or leaders in general.  Not everyone can be a leader nor does everyone want to be.  In talking to other Emerging Leaders I realize that for many, assuming an ED position is no longer a mark or shared leadership goal.  At this point in my life and career, I feel the same way.  An ED does lead, but it's not the only option.  Ultimately I feel the value of these workshops and institutes do present tremendous opportunities for an individual honing their skills, but perhaps not an instrument for "introducing" leadership upon someone who isn't ready or interested.

Although a simple concept, I don't ever think I  ever contemplated on the idea of "holding space."  We may be entrusted to lead organizations or projects at all levels, but this is only successful if we know how to lead ourselves.  When we hold space, we discover or awaken many amazing things we may have never noticed or imagined.  It's not always pretty, safe, or convenient.  It's about setting up an environment to be completely available at the moment to whatever is going to happen - to take that risk and "hope" for a reward, but be ok if it only comes in the form of an important learning experience.

In thinking about my own creative value, I feel I have a strong sense coalition building, communication, and connecting people and projects, in a very Malcolm Gladwell sort of way. I'm also still evaluating my own boundaries and levels of discomfort and in times when I've pushed the bill and wondered whether it was worth it, I'm really glad I have.  Now I welcome the notion of embracing my failures, taking the risk, and taking the TIME to think about it ALL.  Which reminds me -  Sunday's the last day of convention and I haven't really tried my luck at slots.  What a couple bucks - there are machines in every corner!

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