Laura Kakolewski

Powered by Community: Welcome to our Arts Marketing Blog Salon!

Posted by Laura Kakolewski, Oct 07, 2013 0 comments

Laura Kakolewski

Portland, Oregon is the home to this year’s National Arts Marketing Project (NAMP) Conference: Powered by Community. You can look forward to conversations about audience diversification, strategies for engaging college students, using augmented reality, the top telemarketing tips, and so much more.

This year’s keynote speakers are creative change agents, community builders, and marketing gurus – Kevin Carroll, Matt Stinchcomb, and Pamela Moore. From Matt’s lessons on community building from the D.I.Y marketplace Etsy to Pam’s arsenal of tactics to keep your online communities striving, this year’s keynotes will leave you inspired and recharged to collaborate with your communities on a more meaningful level.

So to kick off the 2013 NAMP Conference, 20 of the top marketing practitioners and consultants in the field will be blogging right here on ARTSblog all week. Bloggers include Will Lester, Doug Tuck, Rachel Grossman, Ron Evans, and many others.

Here’s a taste of what you will read during this week’s Arts Marketing Blog Salon:

- How one community created and arrived at a collaborative model for partnership.

- Participatory arts programs across the nation that are connecting and interacting with audiences in new ways.

- Strategy for predicting patron behavior and future marketing campaigns.

- New technology and social media trends that are changing the landscape of audience engagement.

We hope you will visit us in the salon and take a moment to leave a comment, share an opinion, or ask a question.

Then come to Portland, Oregon, the home of the 2013 NAMP Conference, November 8-11. Register today if you haven’t already – we’ll see you there!

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