Marisa Muller

Celebrating Six Months of The pARTnership Movement!

Posted by Marisa Muller, Jul 19, 2012 0 comments

Marisa Muller

Ladies and gentlemen, put on your party hats as July marks six months since the official launch of The pARTnership Movement!

Introduced in January, The pARTnership Movement is an initiative from Americans for the Arts to reach business leaders with the message that partnering with the arts can boost their competitive advantage.

To commemorate this momentous occasion, we are celebrating in a BIG way on a BIG screen in the BIG city. This week (July 16–July 22) this pARTnership Movement video is being  featured on MTV’s 44 ½ HD video screen, located in the heart of New York City’s Times Square:

So, what we have accomplished over the past six months?

Well…a LOT! We have launched our website which includes a list of the eight reasons to partner with the arts (también en español!) and examples of successful pARTnerships across the country.

If you are interested forming a pARTnership locally, we have provided you with tool kits such as the pARTnership Starter Kit, Building a pARTnership on Your Own, pARTnering with Small or Midsized Businesses, and Bringing the Arts into the Workplace. These resources provide you with all the necessary information to successfully engage in a pARTnership.

But we aren’t the only ones talking about how the arts and business can work together. Ads have been placed in business publications from Forbes to business journals. And in our site’s news section, we post up-to-the minute information on arts and business partnerships from across the country and around the globe.

Additionally, every Thursday we feature a special pARTnership Movement post, written by a cultural leader or business executive, on how arts and businesses relationships have impacted them and their community that appears on our site as well as here on ARTSblog.

In case you’ve missed them, here are links to the last five pARTnership Movement Thursday posts:

Buying Local is the Tipping Point in Small Towns
MFAs Instead of MBAs: Artists in the Business World
On the Fence in Denver
We Mean Business in Chattanooga
Miami’s Marriage of Arts and Tourism

We also recently announced the 2012 honorees of BCA 10: Best Companies Supporting the Arts in America. These annual awards celebrate pARTnerships by recognizing ten U.S. companies that have demonstrated an exceptional commitment to the arts.

We are all excited about the momentum behind The pARTnership Movement and we'll continue to spread the word that when arts and businesses partner, everyone profits!

This post is one in a series highlighting The pARTnership Movement, Americans for the Arts' campaign to to reach business leaders with the message that partnering with the arts can build their competitive advantage. Visit our website to find out how both businesses and local arts agencies can get involved!

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