Annelies van Vonno

Can't Stop Creative Conversations

Posted by Annelies van Vonno, Oct 17, 2011 0 comments

Annelies van Vonno

As we enter the third week of National Arts and Humanities Month, I would just like to thank all the local community leaders who have participated in our Creative Conversations!

Already, Creative Conversations have sparked local dialogue that is helping to unify groups of individuals engaged in arts and culture. These events help spur advocacy efforts and create networking opportunities for those interested in the arts in their communities.

In a memorable moment at a Creative Conversation last week in Silver Spring, MD, State Delegate Heather Mizeur advised, “Stand out with your art to connect to your advocacy. The artist should use their unique abilities in art making itself to stand out and reach legislatures.” From this Conversation, emerging arts advocates were able to take away this and many other valuable insights.

If you were unable to attend an event last week, don’t worry! October is full of remarkable and insightful events--over 30 so far, with more being added every day.

This week’s upcoming events include:

•    Bonus Features: Thinking Outside the Talkback – Today, Oct. 17! (Pittsburgh, PA)
•    Exploring Professional Paths in the Arts – Oct. 18 (Denver, CO)
•    Witness to Preservation – Oct. 20 (Stuart, FL)

•    Does Size Matter in Art? – Oct. 20 (Saint George, UT)
•    Making a Scene: Activating Local Arts and Culture Media – Oct. 21 (Eugene, OR)

Click on the links above to register for specific events taking place this week or visit the interactive map to learn more about all of the Creative Conversations that are taking place across the country.

If you don’t see one near you, you can visit the Local Host Toolkit to learn more about the seven steps to hosting a successful Creative Conversation in your community.

If you attended any of the events last week, don’t be shy! Be creative and don’t let the conversation die. Many times local conversations can turn into national conversations by utilizing our ARTSblog, network listservs, and social media.

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