Americans for the Arts

Arts Leadership: Making Connections

Posted by Americans for the Arts, Mar 24, 2008 0 comments

Americans for the Arts

The Leadership Track at the Annual Convention is about vision and inspiring others to think and work differently. Examples of leadership can be seen in every session at convention, but in the Leadership Track it is on stage and under the spotlight. Come learn how to lead by cultivating the best in oneself and in others, and how to lead an organization through a new initiative or institutional challenge.

Thursday, June 19 ~ Advanced Workshop
Personal Evolution: Peer-Coaching Circles
Finding time to rejuvenate ourselves is a constant challenge when we commit our personal and professional lives to nurturing others. This half-day advance workshop is your time for personal renewal in a safe and supportive environment. Certified coachs working in peer circles will candidly and confidentially help guide your work toward a sense of balance. Treat yourself to a mini-sabbatical, develop a peer-support network, and prepare for a more personally meaningful convention experience.

Friday, June 20
Leadership and Connectivity
Truly effective leaders know how to develop links to their community and foster dialogues across constituencies. Connectivity is both a process and a product of good leadership, a framework for change and an ethic of authentic collaboration. When you think of leadership in these terms, you start to see spheres of influence among uncommon and unseen leaders all around your community. This interactive session showcases the lessons learned from Leadership Philadelphia’s 101 Connectors Project and will show participants how to leverage their role as connector in their communities.

The Evolution of Leadership and Learning
Arts and business organizations and leaders are increasingly seeking to strengthen the leadership skills of their constituents through mentoring and coaching programs. This hands-on session will lead participants through the development of a constituent coaching or mentoring program based on the needs of their community. Participants are encouraged to come prepared with goals for their program and can expect to leave with a plan to implement upon returning home.

Sunday, June 22
Governance as Leadership
Conventional advice unwittingly urges boards to think and govern like managers. This workshop approaches governance in a new way: by urging boards to govern as leaders! This workshop will look at three modes of governance—fiduciary, strategic, and generative—that together enable effective trusteeship. With a focus on generative thinking, arguably the most neglected work of a board of directors, participants will learn how to make important decisions about mission and strategy and ultimately become more effective leaders.

A Foot in Both Worlds
One of the themes for many midcareer professionals is a sense of ‘what’s next’? This session will bring together a distinguished group of creative individuals who work in the arts and business sectors to present a range of options available to midcareer professionals. Each of the presenters has a unique journey to share. This highly interative dialogue will encourage participants to share their stories and strategies for crossing-over and crossing-back between various sectors and career stages.

Leadership Gap: Fact or Fiction?
There is much discussion about the prospect of the wholesale leadership turnover anticipated to hit the field of arts and culture in the next 10 years. What are we doing to prepare new leaders to take over? This panel draws on the expertise of national and local leaders who are investing, planning, and resourcing emerging leadership development in the arts and culture sectors.

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